END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Sound effects by Sergey Eybog are offered under license. By accepting this work, you acquire the following rights and restrictions: The Rights: 1. The sound effects can be used and released as a part of a media project. 2. You can synchronize the sound effects in timed relation with audio or audio/visual production such as films, presentations, radio, computer games, Internet and any other multimedia, audio-visual or computer-generated displays, programs or presentations. 3. You can use the sound effects as individual sound assets in games or multimedia projects. 4. You can copy and store the sound effects for individual use. The Restrictions: 1. You may not claim the ownership of the sound effects created by Sergey Eybog. 2. You cannot sell or transfer the License. 3. You may not sell the sound effects except as a part of your product. 4. You may not sell derivative collections using the sound effects by Sergey Eybog. In the event of a breach of these terms, action may be taken against you directly by the owner of the copyright. This license is valid for perpetuity and for the World for as many projects as you want (excluding templates) without any additional payments. (c) 2014 by Sergey Eybog, All Rights Reserved.